Visioni di Napoli

Věhlas neapoského stylu v Itálii 18. století

Monday 22. 07. 2024 | 20.00 Troja Château
U Trojského zámku 1, Prague 7
S přestávkou


Angelo Ragazzi (1680–1750)
Sonata a tre in re minore
Sonata a tre in si minore
Nicola Matteis (1690–1764)
Alia Fantasia
Sarabanda Amorosa
Nicola Fiorenza (1690–1764)
Sinfonia in re minore
Francesco Durante (1684–1755)
Concerto primo in fa minore
Domenico Gallo (1730–1768)
Sonata IV in sol minore
Sonata I in sol maggiore
Sonata XII „Follia“
Domenico Scarlatti (1685–1757)
Sonata in la maggiore K 208, Adagio e cantabile
Sonata in la maggiore K 209, Allegro


Margherita Pupulin, Heriberto Delgado – barokní housle
Sara Bagnati – barokní viola
Marius Malanetchi – barokní violoncello
Juan José Francione – loutna, barokní kytara
Marco Lo Cicero – kontrabas


A number of excellent composers and performers who subsequently became famous across Europe came from the sunny city of Naples. Not for nothing was the city under Vesuvius nicknamed “the conservatory of Europe”… The virtuosity of Neapolitan musicians directly influenced the stylistic refinement of instrumental forms, such as solo and chamber sonatas and sinfonias. The Talenti Vulcanici ensemble, who have their home in the southern Italian metropolis, will present, under the artistic direction of harpsichordist Stefano Demicheli, the works of Neapolitan natives and 18th-century composers working there to the Prague audience.
Brilliant works by Francesco Durante and Nicola Fiorenza, who contributed to the fame of the Neapolitan conservatories, will be presented, along with virtuoso violin pieces by the London-based Nicola Matteis, solo harpsichord sonatas by Domenico Scarlatti and trio sonatas by Angelo Ragazzi, whose career culminated in Vienna. One Neapolitan-style musical delicacy after another will fill the beautiful painted hall of Troja Chateau, a true gem of Italian artistic style on the banks of the Vltava River.


Troja Château

U Trojského zámku 1, Prague 7

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Partners of the concert

Koncert se koná s laskavou podporou Italského kulturního institutu v Praze a ve spolupráci s Galerií hlavního města Prahy.