Ensemble Polyharmonique
The Ensemble Polyharmonique is a collective of singers from the versatile early music scene of Europe. The music of the Renaissance and the Baroque era form the core repertoire of the ensemble. Taking historical performance practice into account, Polyharmonique combines ideas from German and Franco-Flemish vocal culture to create lively poetic interpretations. In addition to the well-known repertoire of early music, the ensemble is dedicated to discovering unknown works of the 17th and 18th centuries.
Invitations to festivals all over Europe indicate the international appreciation of the ensemble – these include the Oude Muziek Utrecht, the Bachfest Leipzig, Meer Stemmig Gent, Musica Divina in Mechelen, Les Nuits de Septembre in Liège, the Trigonale in Klagenfurt, the Thüringer Bachwochen, the Händel-Festspiele in Halle, Tage Alter Musik Regensburg, the Heinrich Schütz Musikfest, the Köthener Bachfesttage etc.
For the repertoire with instrumental accompaniment, such as the oratorios, masses and cantatas by Bach, Buxtehude, Monteverdi or Handel, renowned Baroque orchestras have been gained as partners, among them the Orkiestra Historyczna, the Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin, the Wrocławska Orkiestra Barokowa, L’Arpa Festante, Arte dei Suonatori and La Folia Barockorchester.